
Cover Reveal Friday!

Hey Everyone!

With so many new books out, my TBR list is now forever growing. New book titles also brings about new GORGEOUS book covers. I wanted to shout-out a few cover reveals today that are both a continuation to their story[ies] and look absolutely amazing in my opinion but are also books i’m anticipating to read next year!


Title: Shadow and Flame

Author: Mindee Arnett

This is the sequel to Onyx and Ivory.  If you haven’t read Onyx and Ivory, you should! Onyx and ivory has such great world building and magic system that was simply amazing. I cannot wait for this book to come out May 2019!

Want to learn more about Onyx and Ivory before Shadow and Flame arrives? Check out Goodreads synopsis, head on over to Mindee’s blog and then make a book purchase or borrow form your local library!




Title: Soul of Stars

Author: Ashley Poston

Soul of Stars is the sequel to Heart of Iron which has been described as the tale of Anastasia Romanov, but in space. Heart of Iron was a good read and I can’t wait to continue the journey with Ana and her crew in Soul of Stars and see what’s in store for everyone.

Want to learn more about Heart of Iron before diving into Soul of Stars? Read the Goodreads synopsis

Want to read an excerpt form Soul of Stars? Well, check out this post form Paste Magazine!


Title: Shadow Me

Author: Tahereh Mafi

Shadow Me is the Kenji novella all Shatter Me fans have been waiting for. This will follow the story line through Kenji’s perspective and get us ready and excited for her next full novel Defy Me.

Want to learn more about the Shatter Me Series? Begin here with the Shatter Me Goodreads Synopsis 


I am super excited for these books to come out next year!




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